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daily nom #23

Posted by aleta under daily noms

One time, I made these banana cupcakes from Cupcake Project and they went over extremely well. Which frankly shouldn’t surprise anyone, as they are tender, perfect banana cupcakes with a cinnamon cream cheese & granola frosting.

The frosting was extremely sweet, bordering on cloying, but you couldn’t touch those banana cupcakes, man. And overall they photographed quite well.

Banana cupcakes

  1. ChemicalDependence Said,

    Please tell me where you got that plate with perfect cupcake shaped indentations – how cute!

  2. Stef Said,

    So glad you liked them! Love the photo!!

  3. Apollo Said,

    Now why would you want to go and ruin a perfectly good cupcake with bananas (they’re gross)?

  4. Katrina Said,

    I have to agree with Apollo on this one. Perhaps if we used apple instead?

  5. anna Said,

    Bananas are wonderful! And I love them in cupcakes (and muffins, and cookies!) Don’t be a banana-hater.

  6. aleta Said,


  7. naomi Said,

    wow. I make banana bread all the time but never a banana cupcake. these look just lovely!

  8. stephchows Said,

    Seriously beautiful picture!! And thank you for the side link! I’m sure it has helped push some peeps to my site 🙂 I’ve got you in my list too!

  9. Sara @ Our Best Bites Said,

    This is the 3rd blog in a row in my google reader that has featured some sort of banana muffin/bread/cupcake and I am now in serious need of some! That really is a beautiful picture and they sound awesome. I don’t get the banana-haters either, I LOVE bananas in cupcakes!

  10. Lyra Rose Said,

    i should try to make a few of these when i have time! they look really yummy. and just to add another compliment of something i’ve noticed, your pictures of the food are really good, how do you keep the food from…shall i say melting? under the light?

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