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daily nom #32

Posted by aleta under daily noms

From the end of the season . . .

Partridge or penguin?

  1. Kristin Said,

    It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s a….squash….

    Sorry, I couldn’t resist 🙂

  2. Steve Said,

    Looks like a missile. Or a butterfly. How utterly enigmatic.

    Sure hope you didn’t cook that!

  3. Katrina Said,

    That is the coolest squash ever!

  4. Pearl Said,

    what a beautiful photo!

  5. KimJ Said,

    3-2-1 Blast off!

    …Er, squash off?

  6. Amy I. Said,

    My dog has been known to use these as chew toys. Is it bad that I let him? 🙂

  7. Lyra Rose Said,

    yeah 3, 2, 1, blast off
    wouldnt that be funny if it suddenly spontaneously combusted?

  8. stephchows Said,

    It totally looks like a rocket ship lol

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