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daily nom #23

Posted by aleta under daily noms

One time, I made these banana cupcakes from Cupcake Project and they went over extremely well. Which frankly shouldn’t surprise anyone, as they are tender, perfect banana cupcakes with a cinnamon cream cheese & granola frosting.

The frosting was extremely sweet, bordering on cloying, but you couldn’t touch those banana cupcakes, man. And overall they photographed quite well.

Banana cupcakes


daily nom #7

Posted by aleta under daily noms

More than any other photo I’ve snapped, this is one of the most enticing. It just makes me want to enjoy the world’s hugest chocolate cupcake with the goofiest happy face every time I look at it. Pictured is one of my best friends’ son enjoying a self-decorated cupcake on his third birthday. And cupcake aside, how gorgeous are those eyes? Somewhere, there is a 3-year-old girl who is going to fall HARD for this kid in about 15 years. I guarantee it.

First taste.